workshops & Masterclasses
Scene study - adult 6 week intensive
This Scene Study Class teaches actors how to break down a scene, develop characters and make strong choices. All material will be provided. Students will perform their scenes on Presentation Night which will be the last class with open invitation for guests.
Saturdays, February 22 through March 29
10:00am - 12:00pm
Taught by Carol Stearns & Derek Stearns
Ages 18+
Gala Room | $275
Youth Classes
Youth classes meet for 12 weeks
No classes during February Vacation (Feb. 17-21) or April Vacation (April 21-25)
The Spring Showcase for youth classes will be held on Saturday, May 10 at 11:00AM
To register: Login or create an account. Select "Register" followed by "Fall Semester." Check off the class(es) you would like to enroll in for each student. Click the green Submit button at the bottom. Complete your payment.
our teachers

Mel Carubia
Christie Reading
Brandy Nickerson
Danny Bolton
Bella Seney
Michael Hammond
Liz Ewing
Christa Dunn
Carol Stearns
Derek Stearns
Diana Gossard